Originally Posted by steveg78
I woulda responded "Nice job kid, you've got some pretty decent times with that SC you slapped on;  how does it handle flying into a turn? Mine runs low 13's stock"
I like to give credit where credits due, and I did tell him he had some pretty good times. All of the slips were consistent as well. He also admited without the supercharger it would be a pretty good race. The owner was cool, the friend was a PITA. From seeing them around, the friend drives a Jeep. And the rest of their crew who are pretty cool drive some worked cars. Evo, Mazda Speed, Sti. The one kid has a 350Z, and even though they are all cool and like my 370. The kid with the 350 couldn't even look at it. Must be a maturity thing, the older the 350Z owner the cooler they are. The difference between a wanna-be and an enthusiast.