Originally Posted by xTIMMYxCOREx
I really do want the car right away however. But if I have to I will special order it and sit on my trade in until it arrives. One dealer offered to hold the trade in value firm if the mileage did not exceed 40k on my Civic (i am at 38.5k now)
Limiting your milage on your active car is kinda not cool. I would look at other dealers to see if thats just something to that dealer. But as long as you keep your car in good order, it helps when their car actually shows up. They are much more willing to give you a decent offer on your trade when they actually have their car there to do the trade.
I'm trying to trade in my tC and they only wanted to give me $8500 for it. (My payoff is $8800) and I asked them if they'd meet me on it to make it evenly paid off. They didn't really want to right now, but they said when the Z gets there, that they will be more willing to fluctuate cause they can make the sale right there...
Originally Posted by xTIMMYxCOREx
Is there any way to search across dealerships on Nissan.com? Search one dealership at a time is very frustrating!
Fusz (
FuszNissan) Is a dealer, and an amazing one at that. I wish he was in AZ so I could buy from him, and I've considered driving all the way to St. Louis to buy from him. Due to financial constraint, and him not having what I want

I wasn't able to buy from him. That didn't stop him from scavenge the entire midwest/west coast to FIND me a Z even if he couldn't sell it to me himself. Ended up finding me one that was coming right here!
Originally Posted by xTIMMYxCOREx
Sounds like I can not get a car till May no matter what i do
Maybe I should wait? Or would it be faster to special order?
My car (when I found out about it) would be here sometime in april. I was talking to Fontana Nissan in SoCal who was looking to special order one for me and that would take 3 months. I'm a very impatient person and waiting for this car to come in was driving me nuts!

If you want alot of features, maybe you'll wanna special order. It might give you better chances of what you want. Just make sure that you get all the numbers on paper so if you come back later and they wanna change things or give you new numbers, you'll know they are being shady and should go to another dealer.