I've had extended conversations at 85mph with a passenger in mine without either of us having to raise our voices. I doubt you'll find it loud on the highway, unless you're used to luxury cars focused on silence. I'd go as far to say that it's pretty quiet.
On the other hand, on any kind of rough road you will clearly hear every single pebble your rear tires pick up.
I continue to think that the blind spot complaints everyone was commenting on earlier were a misplaced. People must be used to pickup trucks or something. The 370Z has just as much side visibility as all the other sports cars of this type I've driven.
I'd offer a ride but you're at the wrong end of California. :-P
Honestly, if you're serious and the dealership is being ridiculous, just show up and go as far as you need to in the paperwork, then just announce "I'm not signing this actual buying agreement until I see it on the highway," and walk away if they don't.
Last edited by Voivod; 03-21-2009 at 10:47 PM.