so just wanna give a real quick brief review on the berk exhaust. ive had it on for about 3 days now. and everytime i know im about to drive my z i get really

the z definitely sounds soo much better now. the sound on start up is amazing, then it starts to quiet down when it gets to idle. i guess these engines are just quiet in general because whenever its idling, it's reallly quiet. but once you start getting on the gas and going through all the gears, it REALLLY opens up. sounds sooo damn nice. its like a nice deep growl. no rasp at all. definitly a great sounding exhaust. and all i have is the berk cbe installed. and i plan on installing my fast intentions hfc's soon.
the exhaust is definitly well made. pretty nice welds. mine was a little misaligned at the tips. but i just used some force and aligned it as best i could and also bent the brackets that hold the hangars. and i made the tips align perfectly, the exhaust looks as if it came stock on the car... which is what i was going for to begin with. theres no rattles or weird noises, everything sounds great. no issues whatsoever. im really happy with it and can't wait to open it up even more with the high flows!