Where Have All the 370Z's Gone and Where Will All the 370Z's Go?
Still finding it odd that so many of these exist in Florida and appear to be selling yet I see none of them on the road. I saw a basic black coupe about 6 months ago for a bit and recently seen a Dark Cherry convertible a few times.
But, more importantly, it's now March and the 2010's have been out since Oct (right?). I'm hearing that Nissan is holding back the 2010 coupes for the summer for most regions of the country. What happens when these hit and then come October the 2011's arrive? If a dealer still has a 2009 then what in the world do they do? I don't buy cars oftern but I've never seen 3 "new" model years sitting on the lot at the same time. I look at the dealer here in Sarasota and I see 1 base 6MT (black) and 2 touring 7AT (red and silver) all without sports package that have been there for quite some time and just wonder how the dealer plans to move those.