Originally Posted by gh0st3794
This is why I like doing my own oil changes. Half the time you don't know what the dealer/quick-lube is filling with. I don't trust most service managers\techs at dealers, so even if they told me they filled with the requested oil I would still be questioning their trustworthiness.
Ya I just purchased my Rhino ramps, and all my tools so I can start doing my own changes. I should have sharpeed the oil filter before my first oil change. Especially since my first one was free, I'm assuming they didn't use Ester oil or change my oil filter since I went in at 856 miles. Well I didn't mean to turn this into another oil thread, but I'm switching to Redline after 5000 miles. I had the tapping before, went in, they tell me ester oil will rid it completely, and it obviously did nothing.