Originally Posted by rsximus
Question is will an intake and nice exhaust system change the character of the engine at all? Maybe make it sound smoother somehow?
Other than the engine, I LOVE the way the car looks and drives. Absolutely beautiful, almost looks exotic. 
yes. it will sound like a whole different engine. An intake will get you a nice throaty? sound up at 6-7.5k, and an exhaust will give you a nice growl down low that sounds like a V8. In addition, aftermarket headers and cats would only help make it sound and feel faster.
By the look of your screen name im guessing your coming from a k20?
If so, well so am i, so ill tell you this. First couple weeks of owning the Z i was not enjoying it as much because it wasnt as rev happy as it was and it didnt sound that nice either (compared to the k20). But getting used to all that low end torque and adding on a couple mods like you mentioned it brought back the enjoyment and much more.