Originally Posted by AutoX Z
I went to school in Dayton and can say from personal experience the cincyscca group are a really good bunch of guys and hold alot of events at riverdowns. There's also a kentucky scca but I've never run with them before.
While you will need an oil cooler if you run track days it will not be necessary for any type of autox or drag.
That helps a lot. Thanks. I will look into the cincyscca group that always help having a reccomendation for them. And as you can see your not the only one that suggested the oil cooler so that sounds like a good idea
Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy
better have some awfully deep pockets then....
single gives you big pockets
Originally Posted by tinysumo
You can sign up with different groups for local track days. I've done track events with Redline and Speedventures which I think is mostly on Cali. But these events usually have instructors who will ride along with you the first time you're out there & teach you the lines and stuff. They have different run groups like beginner, intermediate, advanced and various "pass/point-by" rules so you're safe while out there as well. I think its a great way to learn car control.
That was good help also thank you so much.
Originally Posted by Ruff
Sponsor...ain't gonna happen
Don't mod your car, run it as it is. Mods are going to help you as much as learning how to drive in the discipline you choose.
For each event there, try to find the local events you have. If you have a drag strip nearby, I'm sure they run a street legal night. For autox, you should have a local club nearby. Same goes with whatever race track you have nearby. Drifting might be the hardest thing to find, but they might drift on your closest race track or in a large parking lot where they hold autoxes.
thats a heart breaker but you dont need a sponsor to have a good time with a bunch of other car people.
Originally Posted by Red370
Invest in an oil cooler if you plan to track the car extensively, just a bit of advice.
others have suggested this also so probably will invest