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Old 03-18-2010, 03:09 PM   #90 (permalink)
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1) yeah i doubt he has his powers but i remember seeing that his last name was on the cave wall lst.. so i bet jacob was why he could hear the deads last thoughts.. so if the sideways is a world without jacobs interference then yeah no powers..

2) well her and miles i guess were friends as kids on the island and they stayed friends after they left or were evacuated... also he mentioned his dad so it looks like he got off the island too before it sank.. in the original timeline she wanted to find the island again, but i didnt get that impression i dunno i think her story is over she was just a blind date in my opinon and her curiosity was a plot device to show how sawyer is still chasing anthony cooper

3) one more thing to add to my theory that supports this.. MIB told ben to meet them at the hydra when he offered ben the island... well he must have known widmore was there... he was leading ben right to a slaughter.. i mean in the shows time it cant be but a few weeks at the most after ben tried to kill penny... so i think by ben choosing to stay he might have prolonged his life...

4) i know for a fact next weeks richard episode is jaw dropping.. last night i was looking at something online and a link said official ABC Promo pics for lost episode 9... well i clicked it expecting to see pics of them sitting around the camp fire or something but... no those pics were crazy one even featured a certain someone... i mean i didnt spoil myself its just a visual confirmation of what i already know the episode will be about... still i would say dont look at them if you want to maximum shock value.
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Last edited by MC; 03-18-2010 at 05:22 PM.
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