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Old 03-19-2009, 12:26 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
But, that really didn't answer the question he was REALLY wondering heh. You said:

"Having been fabricated from Nippon Steel, it is a definite that this exhaust will make significant power"

What about Nippon Steel will make more power than any other exhaust?
My apologies if that wasn't the answer you were looking for. Please allow to try again.

Going back to the whole STTi concept, simple physics explains that as materials heat up, the molecules expand, making that item more flexible, more brittle, and more malleable. This also creates more friction. The more friction an object creates, the more power it loses. To my knowledge Nippon Steel and Amuse are the only ones at this point in time who produce their exhausts using STTi. If you add these lurking variables in with all a few other factors of this exhaust, such as lighter weight and less bends, this exhaust will not only create more power but will also free up existing power that you couldn't take advantage of before due to dead weight.

Most people ask the question "how impressive can this exhaust really be?". I can try my best to explain it as long as people are willing to listen. In the end, I am simply enlightening people on different options for their Z. Please let me know how I may better assist you.

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