Originally Posted by frost
Rofl, don't listen to him smooth, I need rep like a fat man needs twinkies. 
Originally Posted by Jl lE lM
I got it yesterday and mailed it today. There was a "rumor" going out that if you dont fill it out and mail it, then you get a huge fine of $5K. Just a rumor...
I heard waterboarding...
Originally Posted by frost
Someone should file a suit against the government for encouraging illigil immigrants to fill it out, which in my mind is encouraging people to continue breaking the law.
It costs the govt a lot more than $50 per illegal to put them through the system... so the libs like to throw money at them instead so they can eventually become voters. Crazy.
Originally Posted by dad
Same here, vote them out! It's time for some younger blood! These old fu@kers that have been in office for 20 and 40 years need to be voted out!
Hell, the president can only serve two terms, they need the same terms!
Those veteran politicians are doing a fine job of breaking the law and causing one scandal after another, thereby checking themselves out of the office. I just wish there was a faster way to get rid of them if we're not happy with their job.