i actually guessed he was a detective ( well cop of some kind maybe) before the show aired... i saw one of the sneak peaks on ABC.com of him and the girl (from prison break) at the first and i was like man that looks like a sting... then i thought about him being sincere about warning hurley not to talk about how much money he had on the plane... and then i thought if jacob didnt push him to finish the letter then he might not have made the choices he did... so yeah i sorta saw that coming... didnt think about the miles and dharma security connection..until miles came busting in the room.... that makes it more obvious now looking back....
yeah speaking of the wedding and this episode....i think that sawyer will find out that an anthony cooper will be in town for lockes wedding and show up there to find out if he is "sawyer" i think we are going to get alot of paths crossing at lockes wedding.. still pissed it wasnt juliet and was charlotte i was waiting for her to show up and talk about going dutch on coffee ( you know her dying words during LA X... that would really change what our percption of the sideways world is.....
ok now that its aired on the west coast... here we go
uhh MIB had a crazy mother and has growing pains due to it?...WHAAAT... like she messed his mind up or something? i mean this just opens up the doors to crazy speculation... i always assumed jacob made him the smoke monster but now the crazy mother... who knows.. did jacob draw his (canidate) mother to the island and he was born there to a crazy mother and he blames jacob for it? this is what im initially going with......
or whenever time he is from he had a crazy mother that cursed him? is this on the island or was it from his home? is this the backstory from another time they are hinting at for episode 15? his mother might be like an egyptian queen
ok on to widmore.... i said last week immediately after the episode i thought he was coming to take MIB off the island in exchange for getting the island back ( same deal that ben was offered) but then sunday night i watched the jeremy bentham episode and the scene with widmore and locke got me rethinking everything. he told locke he had peacefully protected the island for years until ben banished him and he would help locke get his friends back ( did he know they were canidates?) and make sure he stays alive because there was a war coming and if locke didnt return to the island the WRONG side would win....
at first i thought that meant he would get locke body back to the island so MIB could take its form and carry out the plan to kill jacob.... but now i see it differently
i mean widmore had the sonic fences so i believe he is there to stop MIB.. now if he is actually working for jacob im not sure yet... because if you remember when bram tried to recruit miles he said miles was working for the wrong side (widmores) and bram was definately on team jacob
so is widmore on his own side and using jacobs death as a time to seize back control of the island.... but then again jacob did say someone is coming to the island... but that was 108 wallace not widmore...
and finally im guessing desmond and maybe penny? are locked in that sub room? wouldnt be suprised if eloise was on the sub too
Last edited by MC; 03-17-2010 at 06:47 AM.