Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
If you are looking for some powerful bass I do not think you are going to be pleased with a slim line sub. They do not have a long throw like a normal sized sub. I would recommend a normal sized sub, but if you still want to go with a slim line than I know only of the JL.
You really need to expand your horizons, Most all manufacturers are heading towards slim line subs, Mounting depth and space issues are common in newer vehicles. Memphis, diamond, critical mass, pioneer, kicker, RE and the list goes on all amke shallow subs. Ive heard a few of them and was impressed with the diamond and memphis. OP take my word when I say the SI BM linked below is the most cutting edge shallow mount out, It is more than capable of serious output and SQ. Its only available in 12 but Id reccomend that for your applicataion anyway.
Stereo Integrity | SI BM mkIII