NOVA drivers beware: Potholes galore
It's getting really bad out there, guys. I'm talking not just tire puncturing, wheel bending potholes... I'm talking suspension destroying ones. The roads are very well torn up, including a few key routes that are my only option on the way out of work.
Fairview Park Drive between 29 and 50 heading in the direction of 50 has some major potholes in the right lane that will eat your tires.
The 50 west-bound ramp onto 495 has suspension eating potholes all along the seam from the old ramp to the temporary ramp. Construction barrels are blocking a clear route around them so you have to very carefully angle over the least dangerous ones. Hopefully VDOT fills them in overnight, they are the worst I've seen, with the worst section of the seam being probably half a car width wide, 12" deep, and 24" across. Definitely will eat you up.
Given the state budget I'm sure we're going to have a lot of road surface issues this year... gah.
- Steve
Zs & Coffee - Saturdays at 10AM in Fairfax, VA and Columbia, MD (Click the banner!)
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