Originally Posted by Azathoth
I'm a 35yr old Systems Debug Engineer @ AMD/ATI. I fought my way up from Validation to earn my Job & my Nismo. This is my only vehicle, so I commute and grocery shop and wander aimlessly in her.
Grats to all you Z owners, young and old, rich and poor. Although, I must say... had this car simply been given to me, I would have already torn it up. Spending 20yrs building up good credit and job_skills to afford such a fine street legal racing car has me treating her like a newborn infant... until she's broken in, that is!
I friggin love my Nismo 
Good for you. I'm a 62 year old lawyer. At this stage of the game, the purchase of my new Z may have been effortless for me. Nevertheless, I still appreciate her and carefully drive her because I clearly remember what things were like, financially, when I was just starting out and then building up at your age---all valuable life lessons best well remembered...