Ok, I'm back from the dealer.
Like 4r3s they didn't get an errorcode. They tried and tested as provided in the TSB etc. No real progress.
ECM has been reflashed/updated. Formerly my brightness controls on the combi instrument didn't work correctly (I think), because only 2 steps of brightness were provided: brighter and darker. Now I have a ruler with which I can fine adjust the brightness in app. 10-15 steps. In addition, the navi has not only the dark and bright map for day and night, but an auto-adjust feature that I definately didn't had before. Depending on how much light is exposed to the navi-surface the screen brightness adjusts itself. Great thing!
So, at least something HAS changed...
Ok, only time will tell if the original error is solved - I just need to test it a couple of days (or weeks). I keep contact with my dealer, he want's to know if the error has gone or if it still persists. A case is created therefore with Nissan Germany.
I'll keep you informed, too...