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Old 03-12-2010, 06:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
Imported Performance
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Default Imported Performance Montly Meet (DFW Area Wednesday March 31st)

I just wanted to take the time of officially invite all of the local 370Z owners. We have been at this for a few months now and we have had some great success. Imported Performance is a new local shop that is focused on the Z cars, we are also the only shop that is open 24x7 and always excited to help with any questions you may have, I really hope to see some new face's out this month, the Sushi place we meet at is actually owned by one or the Z family. If you have any questions please just PM or call me, 972-741-6358

MK's Sushi

Google Maps

Wednesday March 31st 7pm

To have a good time, meet fellow Z owners, and get FREE STUFF!!!

1. ImportedPerformance - Stephen - PPW 350Z
2. JasonZ-Ya - Jason - PPW 350Z
3. 3hree5ive0ero - Chris - DB 350Z
4. AcidJake75 - Jake - DB 350z
5. SpEcToR - Ryan - OB G35 6MT
6. Squeaky350 - Jeremy - MB 350z
7. MrWatchDawg - Mo - Black Roadster 350z
8. Fithamoto - Your Boss - SB 350Z
9. Zrzly?- justin - CS 350z
10. christine kay - do i really need to state my name? lol- CS 350z
11. rcasas83 - Robert - Le Mans Sunset 350z
12. Vietboi817 - Phuoc - IP G35 Coupe
13. jcog08 - Jordan - black enthusiast 350z
14. StoneMalone - Cody - BS G Coupe
15. plainomega88 - Mark - LR G Coupe
16. NugeTRON - Owen - SS 350z
17. Armintheman - Armin - black 350z
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