Originally Posted by Attaboy
was it a leap of faith, or a logical deduction that he was willing to risk? Jack did seem to realize Jabob had intentions for them all on a grand scale and that anything seemingly supernatural is possible. But at the same time... the way Jack acted as the fuze neared it's end seemed more like he had faith.
the writers of this show are great about leaving things so they can be interpreted many ways. it's very irritating because you cant always draw solid conclusions, but that's what keeps me coming back week after week. 
i mean i think it was indeed faith but it wasnt blind faith because he had obiously seen the lighthouse so he knew jacob had been watching him.. whatever jacob is doing it seems he is pushing them to the brink to see what choice they will make... the jack and the dynamite was just like how he never told richard the whole plan or even more importantly how jacob would never let ben see him and ben ended up failing that test of faith... according to miles jacob up until the last second had hoped ben would make a different choice... so that put a new spin on everything for me.. i had always thought jacob always knew that would happen, and while it appears he obviously has a back up plan it seemed he sincerely wanted ben not to do it ( not for his own life but for bens?)
i think jacob is indeed manipulating them but i think he sees so many steps ahead of them that its for an ultimate good that in the short term it seems he is decitful but i think he is all about the end game...... where MIB seems to be upfront and truthful but he is manipulating them for his own needs.. told claire he could get aaron back told sayid he could reunite her with nadia and sawyer that he can get him off the island.. and ben that he could run the island ( which if you go back and listen to bens napoleon speech, its mirrors this, basically he would be incharge of nothing it would be no real power