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Old 03-10-2010, 03:54 PM   #1033 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kyle@STILLEN View Post
I understand completely and I hope you didn't take my reply as argumentative or anything like that. Sometimes I just like to clarify that I explained myself well but by asking if it made sense can sometimes be derogatory...I hate the internet for the simple reason that it can not convey any tone in your writing other than "wow, this guy's just being a jerk!" Unless you throw an LOL at the end of everything you write in which case you look like a sixteen year old girl texting her girlfriends.

To be perfectly honest...We don't like to take chances when it comes to some of the really important things like fuel, brakes, tires, roll cages, seat frames...Any time that something can fail in a catastrophic way, we like to take a lot of pre-cautions. For example, you should have seen all of the testing that went into the development of the CCM brakes for the GT-R. We tested out at El Toro air base for a couple of months with those things. We didn't want to put the CCM brakes in the hands of a customer only to find out that something might go wrong. The good thing...we found out that they are a PITA to bed properly. It literally took us two days at ridiculous speeds and temperatures to get them to properly bed in. So now, AP Racing puts them on a brake lathe before we send them out to a customer. We don't ask the customer's to bed them in because we don't think it's safe, or even possible to do it properly.
I hear you on the first paragraph. Tone, enunciation and such are truly lost and a lot of times we all are "read" out of context. No worries. I didn't think you were being a jerk. I just thought you might look at my 'advice' a bit askew due to my past posts.

And I can certainly appreciate your desire to put out the best product available. I, as a consumer, expect that from all vendors. And if I thought, for a second, that there would be any issue with you mixing fuels to make a canned tune I would certainly never recommend such. Still, you should consider it an option. Certainly don't take my word for it being a viable option, but do contact fuel companies and get their take on it. You will be very surprised at what they say you can do.
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