Originally Posted by gumpy
It was this exact picture that made me test drive the car, before i saw this pic i didn't believe the z could take golf bags... hell even after i tried it myself i couldn't believe it... the boot just looks too shallow...
I've seen this pic before (in this forum somewhere, I believe) and there was much debate about it's legitimacy. I think the general consensus was that it was mostly fake - there are no drivers or woods in the bags. All the same it was tantalizing since like gumpy, this was a criteria of mine. So I went to a dealer and tried putting my set in. It wouldn't fit horizontally if I left the driver and woods in the bag, but it would fit if I took them out. So I ordered a car. My wife is absolutely convinced that I won't be able to fit hers in at the same time, but I feel pretty confident that I will. One of us gets to be smug when I take delivery in May or June.
Can anyone take photos of their car with two sets of clubs in the back?
Please and thanks?