Originally Posted by stormcrow
My last OT post in this thread...unless Kyle would like to continue talking racing. That I can do all day.  CinZinnati, you bring up some very good points and I, too, hate the fact that some of this turned personal. That was never my intention and I accept my responsibility in returning fire when first fired upon. That said, I believe you do see the point of my posts...passing on my experiences and first-hand knowledge to those who come after me all the while trying to keep vendors honest.
I will say that I believe I have jumped on Kyle a bit too harshly for not posting the PSI, but in my own defense, it was too reminiscent of other forum members' past experiences with other vendors. Secrecy and false claims have led to other vendors' (VRT, SGP, RA, PF, etc.) fleecing the 350Z and G35 communities, so it struck a bit too close to home. Stillen is not amongst these vendors, so, admittedly, I should have treaded a bit more softly.
One thing I do want to state my opinion on is something that both you and Phim brought up - reasoning that Stillen, AAM, GTM and other vendors are somehow doing us a favor by posting on these boards. This is completely untrue. WE are their clientelle. We are the reason they are in business and why they develop aftermarket products. Posting tidbits of information and updates only serves to entice their market base. Without forum members reading their threads, updates, and marketing, their sales would dwindle drastically. Sure, we all love the updates, but the vendors NEED to post these more than we need to see them. Just food for thought.
BTW, the old addage of "any publicity is good publicity" remains true. I'm sure I've sealed the deal on a few kits...especially with the fanboys. You never know - Kyle may be paying me to post. 
So true, as a consumer we are putting our hard earned money into venders pockets so we want good quality, fair priced products. But we need good and true info to make our selection. I can wait for the final release but if I am promised something then I want it and if its not there then some credibility has been lost, but can be regained by a good product with fair pricing. We, the consumer should demand this and these forums can help with that, and help both sides. Us letting vendors know what we want, and vendors by giving good info when ready.
I am patiently waiting for the release. Well semi patiently.