A few runs i had wheel spin because i wasnt aware of my tire PSI, dealership had it at 47psi. Also i was still trying to get use to the clutch of the 370z so my launches sucked. After a whole summer of racing my old Supercharged Cobalt and getting comfortable with that and then switching to a new car, had to get use to everything and find the best spot to launch from. Never got a video of it but the best run i made was 13.7 and that was with a 2.3 60'
And like someone said, the video of the run inside my car, the track was horrible. People would race, leak something, take 30mins to clean it up...get like 2-3 races then someone would leak some more. I got one run in that night, after that we seen the 200 car line up and thought "screw that lets go get some chicken wings..."
2011 Evo-GSR AMS 2.4 stroker/ bore, FP Black build in progress.
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