SRM helps once you get past first gear, but by help i mean just helps smooth out your clutch action. I does nothing to assist you on the starts which is where most people new to manual get owned...
This clutch is a difficult clutch for learners... let's face it any clutch is hard for someone new but i hope this puts it into perspective. I've driven manual for 5 years. The first car that i purchased was the Polo GTI, slightly sportier clutch than the usual car... on this car after 6 months i never stalled ever, i could reverse up a 10 degree incline just using the clutch. With the 370z, i stall about 3 times a week, one of them is due to trying to reverse like in my old car with the clutch alone, i can do it but it's a bastard of a clutch... In saying that my friend has a super with a custom racing clutch and that thing is either engaged or disengaged with no inbetween... quite brutal...