Originally Posted by stormcrow
You find my questioning of Stillen offensive?? Really? Oh, wait. Your signature. Nevermind. Mystery solved. 
Again, you're doing nothing constructive here and you are only trying to be offenseive. It's not warranted and hurts the370.com community.
Claiming that Stillen is using illegal business practices in the marketing of their product is not "questioning them." Your comments are unwarranted and what you're claiming is probably not provable, even if it were true.
After reading your posts throughout this thread, you'll probably want to debate me on my use of the word "illegal", but "illegitimate" is referring to parentage of offspring. To use "Illegitimate" in the business context, the synonym which most closely fits is "illegal." Cross reference a thesaurus if you don't believe me. The interpretation by attorneys in a slander suit would also use the same logic.
About your most recent comment about my signature "solving your mystery;" all you are trying to do is deflect the criticism back at someone else to avoid scrutiny. I could answer with reasons like, they were first to market or they offered a group buy, etc.. But, the truth still is that you are being rude to too many of the people on this forum for no valid reason. I really am surprised the administrators have allowed this behaviour and not deleted your posts. If every member took the same attitude that you do towards Kyle and the other members of the Stillen team, or even Sam at GTM for that matter, they would simply stop posting to this forum. Think about it just for a moment; if Kyle was getting verbally attacked and badgered by EVERY person, they wouldn't post here. They would find another forum or advertising outlet that was friendly to them and release their information there first. And honestly, there are other 370z forums out there that haven't done as well and would love to get exclusive updates on aftermarket projects. If we chase off people like Stillen, GTM and Altered Atmosphere and they start posting their breaking news to other sites and refuse to post here, we end up killing the site. So please, use your sarcasm for humor, not to insult. And if you are skeptical of someone's data, post a rhetorical question, like "why would they do that?" rather than a direct confrontation.