03-08-2010, 08:51 AM
#3 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 1,092
Drives: PG 7AT 370Z
Rep Power: 18
Originally Posted by dfresh713
I don't post on this forum that much, but I am very active on my350z.com
I wanted let my fellow 370z brothers that a Nissan Z caravan will be happening in New Jersey at the end of April.
There will be two starting points. One in North Jersey and another in South Jersey. The caravans will start out and meet along the way and have a final destination somewhere at the Jersey Shore.
We are hoping for 40+ Z's to join the caravan.
Official plans will be coming out Thursday March 11, 2010 stay tuned.
nuTinmuch! -- Platinum Graphite 370 Z -- Check out my Gallery thread here!