Originally Posted by Pheonix
It's true. ... There goes the career, and likely every dollar he'll ever make. Even if it's ruled a justified shooting, the chances of a lawsuit are still great.
ok u make some good points. i'll address them. over here, violent crime and armed crime are very low, so cops rarely ever get shot at or killed. and yes, departments here are just like yours. they have units that deal with drugs, or gun crime, or taskforces for gangs, or prostitution, etc.... and there are also units that only do traffic enforcement. actually, since most southern ontario have their own municipal police departments, in these areas the entire provincial opp departments are practically nothing more than a speed enforcement unit on the highway.
You then mentioned that since other officers deal with crimes, the remaining ones have nothing to do but traffic enforcement. If that's the case, that means they have more cops than needed. Why not just fire some of them, and trim down the police budget? Over here in toronto, for example, even in a recession the police budget is skyrocketing. the cop salaries keep going up, in addition to bonuses and overtime, and they also keep hiring more cops and all that, despite statistics showing crime is actually going down! and of course their mafia-like police union makes sure to derail any effort to restrain the police budget.
As for criminals getting caught in speed traps, yes it happens but not that often, nor is that the purpose of speed traps. nor is it impossible to do by targeted policing (e.g. anti crime units). but hey, by all means arrest those 1 or 2 criminals, but let the remaining several hundred non-criminal motorists off with a warning
As for tasers there are all sorts of examples from the media, youtube, etc.. about them used on seniours, teenage girls, cripples in wheelchairs, etc.... and they were used in many situations where there was NO threat whatsoever to the cop's safety. we also have a notorious case here of robert dziekanski who DIED because one of your heroic cops tazed him. he was neither armed nor dangerous. just a polish immigrant who doesn't know a single english word and getting angry and agitated because he couldn't find his relatives nor communicate with the airport staff.