Originally Posted by BanningZ
Those illegal immigrants have kept California and much of the country afloat. Over the past year they have all started returning to Mexico and various other central and South America countries (i.e. their homes), and guess what California's economy has suffered much worse than many other states. I have worked with plenty of Mexican/south American immigrant, both legal and illegal. Most of them are hard working, and spend LOTS of money in our economy. Now that their leaving it is only adding to the current economic crisis.
As to "tree hugging environmentalists. I want a 400HP hybrid. Companies like Toyota have achieved this on a functional concept level. I want to leave something more for my children besides a smoking hole in the ground. On an individual level many of them are too radical, on a collective level it is an important movement that has been quashed for years by OPEC and Capitalistic imperialist followers in the top 1% of our country. Environmentalism is awesome as long as its moderately implemented over time.
Its kind of hard to point fingers at Nancy Pelosi when people like Sarah Palin, **** Cheney, and Karl Rove exist out there. Spend and spend? Have you been cryogenically frozen for the past nine years? We had a surplus when you were first frozen.
drill baby drill??? Yup that's the answer. 
Not really, they do contribute in monetary ways. But them leaving, has nothing to do with the short fall of money. Now that their leaving there will be more money in the Medi-Cal system, which they abuse.
The short fall of money isn't Arnold's fault, it's the people under him. The California Politicians who have been there for years and years, sucking off the tax payers!