Originally Posted by OMGWTFBBQ
What question? I didn't ask a question. I was just pointing that the first to "wreck" was the guy in the first post, not the link provided a few posts later.
I'm confused now. 
LOL. Sorry for the confusion, I wasn't paying careful enough attention to who was posting what. For some reason I thought you were the OP. In any case, disregard my post; I think I misread your comment. The title of this thread is 'So who's the first to wreck the 370Z?' So when BanningZ provided the link to that guy who got rear ended, he was saying 'That's the guy who was the first to wreck the 370Z'. Then when you in turn replied with 'It can't be that guy', both BanningZ and I thought you were disputing that the rear-ended guy had his wreck before the guy who smashed into a pole. But now when I go back and re-read the sequence of threads, I realize that you thought BanningZ was replying to AK by saying that AK had supplied the wrong link, and you were simply pointing out that the link that BanningZ had supplied couldn't be right because it went to a guy who got rear-ended, not a guy who smashed into a pole.
Clear as mud? Yeah, that's what we get for mucking about on a forum on a Friday night!