Originally Posted by Zguy
Slap a' Hoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry man.. I would have been pissed
LOL. Trust me, that's how I felt. But afterward, I just kind of thought it wasn't going to make things any better if I started to get all "crazy-Asian" on her. That probably would have landed me in jail, haha.
Originally Posted by Triple's
Wow! Your lucky it wasn't worse.
Ya, seriously! The worse it would have been, the longer I would be without my Z. Fortunately the body shop said it will only take 3 or 4 days. Allstate is awesome, too, they gave me a rental. Corolla! (I hope the throttle doesn't stick)
Originally Posted by Triple's
Yea I normally see if the car in front past the crosswalk line, I stay back far enough in case they decide to back up to let Peds. by..
Good thinking. She was before it though...
Originally Posted by frost
Similar story when I pulled behind a truck who leaving home depot with particle board in the back of his truck. He got pole position at the light, and I looked at his unsecured load and said to my passenger "That **** is all going to come out if he really gasses it." I reversed a couple car lengths and sure enough, light turns green and he lost his entire load flooring it. Idiots 
Woah, Frost, 2 close calls is not cool at all. You have been very lucky! (knocks on wood for you)
Originally Posted by TamZ
Poor Zee  Sorry that happened! I think our lack of visibility is compounded by how low we are to the ground and her talking on her cell phone. (If she had a 370Z with the Nav system and bluetooth like I do in my Z, she wouldn't have had to be holding a phone up to her ear.)
Glad it wasn't worse!
We are a bit low but when she got out of the car with that phone glued to her head, I had a pretty good feeling what might have caused it. I'm actually waiting on a new headunit to come in so that I can have bluetooth.