Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z
Seventy-five bucks, plus shipping, for an effing fob cover! I'll wait for Semtex's Fobgina Cover (the one that matches his shifter knob) before I buy one at that price, or until I visit Japan again.
Great link find though!
I sent that dealer a message about the back up camera see if he can find anything. Since it seems that he is getting alot of products in japan
180 customs Headlights - Yantech Backup Camera - Projekt 1 - Stillen Gen 3- EVO-R V2 Foglight, EVO-R CF Diffuser, Carbon Fiber Element Steering wheel - Fast Intentions TDX/RHFC's - RJM A.F.P. - Z1 Oil Cooler - 2015 Nismo Conversion.