Originally Posted by spearfish25
A few interesting things in there:
1) they are babies and continue to whine about NVH and road noise. Give me a break already.
2) their oil cooler started to leak and had to be repaired. Make this #4 in terms of oil cooler problems documented.
3) Edmunds is full of retards. So the older car was slower to 60 and in the 1/4mi, but they claim it took more effort to do those runs? What does that mean? If they would have given more effort when the car was new, it would have been faster? Oh, and let's complain about decreased performance when the tires are worn out...stupid stupid stupid.
4) unfortunately they don't describe the braking conditions at all. This could easily be brake fade during aggressive driving that they are noticing. Enough of us have tracked the car to know that erratic brakes are not the norm.
5) Only Edmunds would think that 'air extractors' make for all the road noise and not the bare metal rear hatch floor and non-insulated wheel liners.
Essentially, an Edmunds review is equivalent to me asking my mother to drive the car and then explain everything she notices.
you forgot to add the "down time" they experienced cuz they damaged the rear bumper and took it in for repairs.
i wonder whose f'ing fault that was

don't blame nissan cuz u don't know how to drive
oil cooler leaking?!?!?!? edmunds installer error!!! nismo oil cooler is not factory installed and not warrantied. i guess they had to blame someone
else for it
i would think ppl would know that sports cars = noise, take ferarri for example, that thing is loud, but no one complains