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Old 03-13-2009, 07:21 AM   #34 (permalink)
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jyhighsky is on a distinguished road

Great post, I was just curious about the dyno numbers. If I'm not mistaken, the new VQ37's are cranking at 332hp. And you got numbers at 256 to the wheels. That's nearly 23% drivetrain loss [22.89 to be exact]... Don't RWD's loose 15-20%? 20% at most to the wheels? Also your loosing 24.4% for torque @ 204. This link under "more info" provides other links to other 370z's dyno numbers and videos.

YouTube - Nissan 370Z Z34 on Dyno 12.10.08

But after calculating correctly these are the numbers I got:

332hp/270tq @ crank

STILLEN: 276 RWHP and 227 WTQ
-0.16867469879518072289156626506024 HP
-0.15925925925925925925925925925926 TQ

GT Motorsports: 287 RWHP and 237 WTQ
-0.13554216867469879518072289156627 HP
-0.12222222222222222222222222222222 TQ

DD Motorsports: 285.46 RWHP and 243.40 WTQ
-0.14018072289156626506024096385542 HP
-0.098518518518518518518518518518519 TQ

Injected Performance: 258 HP
-0.22289156626506024096385542168675 HP
TQ unknown

370z dyno: 289 rwhp and 229 rwtq
-0.12951807228915662650602409638554 HP
-0.15185185185185185185185185185185 TQ

16% was the average RWHP loss for these five cars on their dyno's
13.25% was the average TORQUE loss among FOUR of five cars, for Injected did not provide one.

It seems that you and Injected both lost about the same percentage of HP. Figures for torque I can't say, but wouldn't be surprised if you both received the same torque too.

I'm just curious, and if you don't mind help a congested brain like mine understand better, I'd really appreciate it. =]

BTW, beautiful car!!!!
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