Originally Posted by nuTinmuch
OCD-non-car: I am a complete germophobe. Have a thing of hand sanitizer at my home desk and everything. I probably wash my hands a billion times a day.
Car-OCD: A bird crapped on my windshield today. I decided this merited a full wash. Just in case. My hands are still numb.
You know you are killing the good stuff on your hands too.
And just some FYI for all: you kill 99% of all germs with it but that 1% is immune to it and it reproduces more immune germs and soon the sanitizer cant kill any of the germs. Best thing to do is wash hands and that doesnt kill the germs but washes them off in the soap and super germs wont reproduce. Thats why people get sick in hospitals super germs from too much cleaning with germ killing stuff.