I like Stillens new water to air cooler design, its cool, but does it do better than the tried and true FMIC?
This is going to depend on a lot of factors. including size of the heat exchangers (air/water) and the IC (air/air) they both have advantages and disadvantages, and i could go on for a while about them, but i'm trying to make this short before i head off to work.
With Stillen using the new intake which is now a one filter intake, does GTMs two filter intake allow for more air flow which is why they can keep their TQ above 300 for the majority of the time and Stillen cant? IF this was a problem with the air filter you would see it in the top end power more so than the low end torque. With out knowing all of the data like air fuel and boost curves (not just max boost) its just guessing. This is however one of the things that Rotrex is suppose to be good at.
If one SC is 8 psi and another is 6 psi is that enough of a difference that the higher one will shorten the life of the engine or are they both low enough that it wont matter?
at the end of the day to make XXX hp it still will take a set amount of air and fuel to make it work.