Thanks guys, some good info so far. I personnaly dont know a whole lot about SCs and want all the info I can get to make the best choice possible. Some things I like about the kits so far are:
I like Stillens new water to air cooler design, its cool, but does it do better than the tried and true FMIC?
With Stillen using the new intake which is now a one filter intake, does GTMs two filter intake allow for more air flow which is why they can keep their TQ above 300 for the majority of the time and Stillen cant?
Still waiting for Stillen to come out with a more final dyno and PSI number to get a better comparison between the two.
If one SC is 8 psi and another is 6 psi is that enough of a difference that the higher one will shorten the life of the engine or are they both low enough that it wont matter?
2010 LS3 C6 Silver coupe corvette