I started my search last year Apr 1. Gave deposit and no dealer could locate one. They GAVE ME MY MONEY BACK! I searched around on my own but I knew it would be luck of the draw. I was contemplating flying out to Fusz but that's when my fate bug kicked in and told me that if it's that hard to find one there's a reason. Over the year I searched off and on, I wasn't hard up for it once summer was almost over and just last Thurs during a blizzard here, I started checking dealer inventory on nissans website. By chance there was an 09 PG 6spd with Sport in PA (Montgomeryville Nissan). I called them up, hoping it was really still there. Sure enough it was! Picked her up Tues night! I'd say if you're hard pressed to have it for summer, just put an order in now. Then again, you're in LA so you won't have to worry about snow
Bottom line is it depends on how bad you want the car and what you're willing to do to get it. I was not that hard pressed to get one if it wasn't somewhat local so I didn't have a problem waiting. Good luck on your search. And when you finally get it, you still won't believe you got it!