Originally Posted by tvfreakazoid
WOW way too much work. I would hire you to do it. I'm so lost. 
I would prefer a different color. That's why when I get my Z, I have to think about getting them because I would never be able to install them my self. But thanks for the instructions anyways
It is not that bad to install. I'm just a detail person, and like to understand the workings and relationships of things so that's why you see the detail in my post. I should, and was planning to photograph the installation to demonstrate to others, but had a small time window and needed to concentrate while installing.
My biggest question is for those who ordered their Z with this accessory installed from the factory as I want to know where the fuse is located in their situation?
The supplied "T" wiring loom connector pin locations are completely occupied although the existing connector going into it had relatively few wires (this is owed to options here and elsewhere sold on Zs around the world). If I had my druthers, I would have used the proper pin tool and simply removed the pins from the "T" and punched them back into the existing connector plug the connects to the "T." That way you would not need the "T" altogether.