Thread: [Texas] sign in
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Old 03-03-2010, 01:56 PM   #169 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Dallas, Texas
Posts: 24
Drives: '09 370Z Touring 6MT
Rep Power: 16
dbrs0821 is on a distinguished road

Hey folks-

Dallas, Texas here. '09 Brilliant Silver Touring 6MT. I look forward to my Saturday morning errand runs...even if there are no errands! I'm in the North Dallas area but get over to the Fort Worth side often, since I have family and friends over in that neck of the woods. You can't help but notice my personalized plates that honor our Z pretty well.

Would like to meet up with some folks in the area from time to time that are just as obsessed with these machines as I am.

With regard to mods, I'm pretty basic. I prefer a clean, stock look. I also don't push the car too hard although I'm guilty of a few super-juvenile "on-boardings" to a few of the major highways in the area

Just recently swapped out all of my bulbs (with the exception of the parking lamps) with LEDs and the look rocks!

Since getting my Z back in December, I've only seen three other 370 rides, but the owners have all waved at me and seemed pretty friendly. For some reason, several of the dealerships in the area seem to keep these on the lot for long periods of time. I bought mine and it had been there for five months...I know, I know, but I got an UNBELIEVABLE deal on mine so I went for it.

Hit me back, would love to connect with some of the locals.

Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society.
The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist, the parachute.
~Gil Stern
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