Originally Posted by vipor
You see tiny little reflections of light in many different colors in direct light. Think "prism"
It looks really good when it's clean and sunny, although when it's dirty and crappy outside it can start to look a little dull.
I love the color of my car every day regardless though, because I know what it looks like when it's lookin good
Check out my galleries, there are many different pics in all kinds of light, etc.
Sidenote: GET A CLEAR BRA. Best $1000 you can put on these cars. Whole bumper and hood at least. Fenders and A-Pillars are nice too. Surprisingly enough I don't have any chips on my mirrors (yet). I made the mistake of not getting one so I've got some body work to get done before I do.
Man you are lucky, with these pot hole, pot hole filled streets in Dallas. I have found 3 new nicks, one on the top of my hood (beyond clear bra) and 1 on the drivers side mirror. When a car hits that stuff the filling breaks apart and shoots up.