Originally Posted by Arcangel
xbadgerx that was really uncalled for. If he works his *** off and wants to do that with his money and can afford it , who the hell are you to lecture him!!! Get over your self righteous self! As for not trying to be mean or rude you failed miserably
1. I am not his mommy / daddy so I can't lecture someone (although a
question like that, sounds as if it is coming from a kid)
2. I know he must work his *** off to be able to afford a car like that. (fully
loaded G)
3. In my mind, it sounded like a childish question to ask. I have no idea what
his current finiancial status is. How could you, or I even begin to tell him
if it is a good decision to do?
4. Facts are facts though, and everyone with any sense knows that he is
going to be taking a huge loss on his G for the trade in.