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Old 02-28-2010, 08:23 PM   #54 (permalink)
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mkdiehl is on a distinguished road

to the OP:

This may not help much, since I am still confused myself about what car "I" want...

In the last couple of years I have had:
03 Cobra (500/500 to the wheels)
Mini Cooper S
08 M3 Sedan
10 370z sport/touring

The mustang appears to have ruined me for life when it comes to acceleration. It simply makes every other car seem slow (that I have driven...) despite sub 5 second 0-60 times some of the others listed.

I sold the mustang and went with the mini due to it's lightweight, excellent handling, and supercharged engine (easily modified for a little more power). I miss that car from a fun factor.....was just a little too rough around the edges for me.

I moved on to the M3 because I wanted a more luxurious ride but something that still could move and handled well. I really wanted one with the DCT transmission (daily driver in traffic) but got such a good deal on a manual that I couldn't justify the difference. It was everything I hoped in terms of handling and comfort but the high reving nature of that engine made it tough to get in the power band without really racing it around (as compared to the 2 previous supercharged cars I had that hit instantly). Now that it's gone...I miss it too.

Moved on to the Z (sold the M3 becuase we bought a 335 for the wife and felt that the two were too similar....was very wrong). Pretty happy with it from a handling standpoint but again miss the power of the Cobra and the low end grunt of the supercharged cars (mini included for around town type speeds). I miss some of the convenience features of the BMW in the Z but overall for the price it is a nice car. Haven't taken it to the track yet and it is still cold here, so summer will tell me more of the story from a handling standpoint.

Been followng the supercharger threads religiously wondering if that may be my answer...but not sure I want to pour that kind of money into a car that I am sure I will not hold onto for more than a few years (history shows).

Bottom line.....if you want light, good handling car...Z. If you want the kind of horsepower that will scare your passengers....GT500. I thought about both as well when I bought my Z.

Just had to get that off my chest as I second guess myself all the time...

good luck.
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