Originally Posted by tommyguns
 I love how people run to the f%ckin grocery store like there going to be trapped for days. I now live in Westchester so the snow removal is really good but I grew up on Long Island and I have to say that we had some of the worst snow removal, more so on the secondary streets, there could be snow there until the summer. But i still laugh when I see these hookey's running to the store.
These people will never stop to amazing me. God, at worst you might be snowed in for like 24 hours. In that 24 hour span of time you will not starve to death. There is no need to get 3 gallons of milk, 4 loaves if bread, bleach, and whatever. How much toast can one possibly consume in a 24 hour span of time? I just want to smack people like that with a shovel.