Originally Posted by !xoible
when you back up get on the clutch just lightly until it starts moving then depress the clutch back and forth to make the car move as u want. riding the clutch (altho a horrible habit when normally driving) but when ur reversing it's what u gotta do. hoping ur not backing up for 1/4 of a mile lol
i figured 707 is very far, lol i was gonna offer to drive to where u are and show u but never mind that.
oh, on start do not get in the habit of getting the car move then gas. just rev it up to 1000 or 1500 then engage the clutch (stick to it for a second or 2) and go
did alot of practising, my foot is finding that engagment part of the clutch faster while my other foot is hitting the gas barely faster also, so its improving alot. Im working on now putting my clutch+gas at same spot at same time with 'speed' or tryign to increase my speed.