Originally Posted by fuct
yall know the defective parts in these toyotas were made in Chicago right.....?
Wrong. The problem dates far sooner than CTS Corp was even involved, and they don't make the Lexus pedal:
CTS Corporation , the American manufacturer of the electronic accelerator pedals that Toyota claims is at fault, has announced that: The problem of sudden unintended acceleration has been reported to have existed in some Lexus vehicles and Toyota vehicles going back to 1999, when CTS did not even make this product for any customer, CTS believes that the rare slow return pedal phenomenon, which may occur in extreme environmental conditions, should absolutely not be linked with any sudden unintended acceleration incidents. CTS is also not aware of any accidents and injuries caused by the rare slow return pedal condition, to the best of its knowledge. CTS wishes to clarify that it does not, and has never made, any accelerator pedals for Lexus vehicles and that CTS also has no accelerator pedals in Toyota vehicles prior to model year 2005.[48]
SOLD MY Z MARCH 2018 - another Core OG moves on - new ride 2019 Z Corvette Grand Sport - no mods necessary but already have eyes on HFC and intakes LOL IT NEVER ENDS.
Last edited by 370Zsteve; 02-26-2010 at 11:49 AM.