Originally Posted by kdoske
Hold up, I think what they are really forgetting to mention is getting a tune will 100% void your warranty. Not void like oh there's a intake installed but its not the cause so we will honor your warranty. I'm talking, "oh your ECU has been tuned, your warranty is voided--sorry".
A tune is basically taking the computer of your car and reprogramming it to getting the most HP. I guess you could compare it to over clocking a computer, although you are not really overclocking just optimizing.
The first thing that happens when you take your car to nissan for a problem is they plug in to the ECU to see if any problems have been logged. Before that happens a checksum is done on the ecu to determine if anything has been reprogrammed. If they determine it is reprogrammed you will pretty much be out of luck for warranty work on most engine related problems.
That's why you get it Cobb tuned. If you ever have to take your car into the dealership...you can uninstall the tuned map and reload the stock map back on your ECU. The dealer with NEVER know. Did it will my Subaru STi for 3 years.
I am getting my Z cobb tuned next Thursday @ Altered Atmospher. Its running me 400$ (plus i paid 500 for the Cobb AP). I should get about 7-10 peak hp gain but will also gain a fair amount of mid range tq which is really what i am want.