Originally Posted by Inspector71
I carried a firearm for 10 years as an LEO and never had a safety. Safeties can be like stop signs in that they create a false sense of security. Traffic studies done in America tend to show that when yield signs are replaced by stop signs, accidents at those locations actually go up. Drivers begin to let down their guard because they assume everyone will stop. Not having a safety conditions one to go through a mental checklist or protocol with regard to how they handle the weapon. For summer I usually carry a Kahr MK40 with no safeties at all. It has never been a problem. I know I cannot place finger on trigger unless I am ready to exert pressure and that means I am in the process of shooting it. I am not knocking safeties or those who want them. Most of my guns come with them but I wouldn't be too worried about guns that come without them. Practice and work with the piece and you won't have a problem.

I speak from experience when I say that a safety really messes me up, especially since I've never had a safety on any guns I carried.