Originally Posted by bullitt5897
I want achievement points! LOL
On a side note. No offence to the black community but from my experiences black people tend to be the ones carrying the racism and project it on white people. I am not saying all black people do it but I believe it has been ingrained into the culture of black society as the norm and thus you get the comments like those found on the bus... I find it funny when in the interview they get all I cant believe the racist comments we got about the videos hahaha its the internet man! not only that but lets see who started the racial comments.... the black people in the video.
I side with Epic beard man even though he is sketchy. His comment about shinning shoes was not a racist remark... if he had thrown in a "brother or Nbomb" then that would have been a whole other story.
all in all EBM FTMFW!
nooooo bullitt you are from GA lol noooooo
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