^ it seems michael and walt wernt on 815 in the flash sideways.. (dawson is on the canidate list but its marked out walts last name is loyd and im not sure it was even on there) i think we can stop thinking about walt he is the only season 1 cast member who is confirmed not to be returning.. i think next week is a sayid centric episode but im not sure he can be a canidate anymore because of his infection/claimed status... the only names left not marked out are Shepard Jarrah reyes ford Kwon and Austen, and im thinking you can go ahead and mark Jarrah off that list....
i thought next week might be a sun/jin episode because of the title.. reference to episodes "house of the rising sun" and "lockdown"... but damon lindelof said it was a reference to the movie high noon where the sherrif makes his stand agaisnt the outlaws.... so i guess sayid stands up to MIB at the temple? i dunno
Last edited by MC; 02-24-2010 at 06:53 PM.