Originally Posted by Pushing_Tin
I have the Minotaur MTAC Holster. You think that one is good to go? I'm not trying to be paranoid, I just really respect my guns and don't want be a cripple. 
Depends. Let me explain. I also have a Crossbreed, which is basically the exact same design as the MTAC. If I'm going to be out for an extended period of time, I use the Crossbreed because it's more comfortable for long-term carry with the way it distributes the weight across a larger area. But if I know I'm going to be in a situation where I'll be taking my gun off and putting it back on more frequently, then I use my Infidel. Why? Because I can remove the entire thing from my gun belt as a single gun-in-holster unit. The gun never comes out of the holster, which is a plus in terms of reducing the risk of accidentally pulling the trigger or swiping the safety off (I carry a 1911). I don't know about you, but when I unmount my pistol while using a Crossbreed/MTAC type holster, I take the gun out of the holster, then separately pull the holster out. And now that I think about it, you know what I do when I come home and pull my gun out of my Crossbreed? I immediately reholster it into my Infidel because I want that trigger and safety secured against accidental contact. Now, if you're able to remove your MTAC with your pistol still in it, then I guess trigger exposure is less of an issue for you than it is for me when I take off my Crossbreed.
Does that make sense? I sense I may be rambling. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're planning to frequently put your pistol on, then take it off, then put it on again, something like the Infidel may be a better choice. It's easier to put on / take off, and it keeps the trigger enclosed within the holster during removal and subsequent handling.