Originally Posted by Togo
Worse yet, a week later we see a story with a mom driving home from a soccer game with her 2 kids in the back that gets rear ended by some asshat in a TT Z who lost control and slammed the victims car at 100+MPH.
This is happened just north of Houston maybe a month or 2 ago, but a vette and mustang were racing down the freeway. Unless you drive the freeway alot, you may miss that the left lane ends and merges to right... well the guy in the vette didnt know this and hit the center at exteremly high speeds. There was nothing left of the car and the worst part, is the douche in the mustang kept on driving and never stopped...
The catch: the vette driver was 55 (not confirmed, but was probably a father)... now i know the OP will say well he was racing also so he was asking for it... COME ON THOUGH! THIS SH!T IS REDICULOUS!!
Investigators: 55-year-old Corvette driver killed in grisly street-racing crash | khou.com | Houston News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | Local News